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Encephalopathy of various origin

GEROPHARM pays considerable attention to the regulation of drug safety. Currently, the company has the pharmacovigilance system which functions in accordance with international requirements and regulatory requirements for the Russian Federation. Employees collect data on the found adverse reactions that occur when taking medicinal preparations, the marketing authorization holder of which is GEROPHARM.

Practical guidelines are similar to those in chronic brain ischemia as the nosologies have common pathogenetic mechanisms.

First, the patients must strictly follow their doctor’s recommendations. Blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol levels must be controlled. Biochemical blood assay is done every 3 months. Neurometabolic and vasoactive agents are taken up to 4 times per year.

Refuse consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Follow a diet. The diet type will depend on the basic disease. Thus, if encephalopathy is developed due to diabetes, the patients must keep to diet 9. The diet 9 pack includes: vegetables, fruits, lean fish, sea products, whole grains, coarse bread. No sugar and sweets are allowed. Use sugar substitute products for sweet dishes and beverages. Reduce salt intake. Food is boiled and roasted, it must be rarely fried and stewed. In case of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and nephritis keep to diet 10 reducing the intake of salt, greasy food, and free fluid including soups, jelly-like soft drinks, etc. (up to 1.2 liters). This diet excludes substances that activate CNS and cardiovascular system such as alcoholic beverages, strong tea, proper coffee, cacao, chocolate, rich meat, fish and mushroom broth, highly seasoned dishes, smoked products, products rich in cholesterol. Alkaline products and dishes (milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and juices thereof) are recommended.

It is important to do domestic chores, be socially active and sociable, go to cultural events and exhibitions. Intellectual functions are to be developed. In case of memory disturbances, keep a respective diary and make a plan of activities for a day.

Daily gymnastics is recommended. If possible, go to the pool and take a walk for a breath of fresh air.

Patients are often terrified by their disease, especially at its late stages. Support of friends and relatives is important in this case. Cooperation of a patient, treating physician and psychotherapist is crucial. They will explain the causes and mechanisms of the disease, select a set of activities that will help normalize the mood, overcome anxiety and fears, and get back to normal life.

K. R. Badalyan

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Additional Professional Education

of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

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