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Central retinal degeneration

GEROPHARM pays considerable attention to the regulation of drug safety. Currently, the company has the pharmacovigilance system which functions in accordance with international requirements and regulatory requirements for the Russian Federation. Employees collect data on the found adverse reactions that occur when taking medicinal preparations, the marketing authorization holder of which is GEROPHARM.

If you complain of visual impairment, difficulties in reading, especially if the light is bad, omission of letters in rapid reading, and distortion of object outlines consult a doctor and follow all treatment recommendations.

Patients with a concurrent cardiovascular pathology (arterial hypertension, atherosclerotic vascular disease), lipid storage disease, diabetes mellitus, overweight, patients who smoke or have a family history of central retinal degeneration must exercise particular caution when the complaints occur.

In high radiation, protective eyewear that filter UV light is recommended.

An ophthalmologist shall recommend a patient with soft drusen to have a daily self-control using the Amsler grid and refer to an ophthalmologist if any new symptoms arise as the type of drusen is at higher risk of acuity decrease.

O. V. Zaitseva

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist of the Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases

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