In 2017, GEROPHARM and the Being Together Charitable Foundation organized the Diabetes in Persons. Children photo project.
Its purpose was to raise the public awareness of the problem and to look at diabetes mellitus through children’s eyes. It is essential as the public is very little aware of the needs of children with diabetes mellitus and often is wary of them. Sometimes, it is difficult for children to adjust psychologically, socialize, and find friends, they are ashamed of their condition and the need to take medications and inject insulin. They start missing injections which is very dangerous for their health. There were cases when children were refused admission at school, sports class, or summer camp. Some people believe that diabetes is contagious and, having learned about a child’s diagnosis, avoid communicating with them.
The project is an exhibition of photographs of children with diabetes mellitus posing with Russian pop stars that were very enthusiastic about this idea. The pictures were made by Dmitry Kamanin, a famous photographer. The black-and-white photos show the love of life and optimism of each child.